Archived Project Progress 1
My most recent progress was just to record a few scenes and put them together using Adobe Premiere. I’ve never used it before and I was just getting an understanding of it. I created a few scenes using my smartphone, finding myself focusing lighting as what is available to me is limited to indoor lighting and also focusing on the sound of the surrounding area. It proves to be difficult without the proper equipment, especially a microphone, but I believe I can work around this with the help of my Nikon Z6. Below is the short video I created using Adobe Premiere. (Volume Warning - need to work on audio)
This project is the reflection of a basic reality, taking the thoughts and emotions of my everyday life to demonstrate them in a short video for others to see. Looking into my life, there is this idea of exhaustion that is present daily, brought about the ongoing sameness with little to no variety. This is represented by the sample video above through these areas in which I walk through everyday, the areas which I observe, where I process my thoughts, where I experience this daily, and are literally taken from what I see. However, there is also a masking, a distortion of reality in my own perspective. There are a few others who can relate to my own life and thoughts via their own perspective, but this project is based on what I see through my eyes.
I love where you are going with this project. The daily locations being so familiar yet lacking people scares me a little. I think if you ask Professor Shimon or reach out to the film professors they might be able to help to get access to microphones and lighting equipment.